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Bondage session with Chicago Mistress – Review 2024

Bondage session with Chicago Mistress – Review 2024

Bondage,Glorious Bondage!                                                           Thanks again for an absolutely fantastic session. I’m finally coherent enough to put some thoughts together for you. Before I get to that, though, I hope that you enjoyed...
Novice Exploration Session

Novice Exploration Session

By C- 2022 Chicago Session Our session was far beyond my expectations. I’m unsure why I assumed I wouldn’t enter subspace – and I didn’t even realize I had until you pointed it out, but it was surreal and absolutely incredible. Reading about subspace was nothing...
Sissification of sissy Eva

Sissification of sissy Eva

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU MISTRESS for the best session ever. I will try to describe it. When i arrive and see you without boots i was disappointed and was to tell you. But when i see them on the floor i knew i was going to help You put them on (thank you...
Danielle’s foot worship and sensation session

Danielle’s foot worship and sensation session

  Dear Ma’am- I was the luckiest sub in the world Wednesday night! I love sensation play and the way you engage in it without pain is amazing.  Thank You so very much for the fantastic sensory play -it was all fantastic! So much activity put into our time...