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Bite Me Please! – Vampire Cosplay & Blood Play in the kink lifestyle

by | BDSM Education

                BITE ME! Vampire Blood Play in BDsm

                                       Dealing with Vampiric Encounters

Medical Mistress Simone is a naughty nurse for your exam

You’re finger licking good


The Intrigue of the Vampire Mythos

Women swoon. Children cry. Men scream in fright.

Placing the VAMPIRE label  on something or someone causes a myriad of  images. Creatures that are
ravenous predators, evil harmful killers who prey on innocent victims.Sensual

This class will shed light on the seduction vampires have  held over
humanity for centuries.The lore of the life sucking creatures prey on humans has existed since humanity walked on 2 legs.

The Medieval times presented vampires as walking corpses most likely die to disease and pestilence. It wasn’t until The Gothic Era that the more romanticized version appeared.

The traditional vampire is portrayed as the reanimated body of a
deceased person believed to come from the grave at night and suck
the blood of the person asleep. They can be repelled by sunlight
and/or garlic and can be killed by a wooden stake to the heart.

In recent times, we have even further glamorized vampires with such
shows as True Blood, What We do Within the Shadows, Buffy,
Twilight and of course countless romance/ fantasy series.the movie,Nosferatu has recently been remade for a third time. It’s been called erotic, sensual, eerie, and sexual.

                                                                  Once again our culture is enraptured of a vampire. Women are swooning, men are aghast, parents are appalled. Let’s find out why,shall we?

Vampire play engages our most primal spirit. Hunger, sex and
surrender all rolled into one sexy archetype. According to folklore, vampires feed upon the life force of another
being whether it be animal, fish or human. The blood may be the draw.  For others, it is the darkness, romance or spiritual. The
most primal energy of another creature. Having the power of life and death within one’s being encompasses true power, especially if you can return one to life – even a strange distorted life. The mysterious creature lurking in the shadows, forbidden, thrilling and sexual. Whether we like to acknowledge it or not, all humans are drawn to the dark.It intrigues and terrifies us at the same time.


Engaging in the vampire fantasies within our fetish scenes can denote many paths.

It will need to be done safely and consensually.
But role playing vampire in our sessions can have serious
consequences that we need to be aware of. Biting a client can break the
fluid boundaries. Pricking veins for blood draws can create unsafe
connections and unwanted connections between you and client.

Now for the disclaimer:
I am not a medical professional. In this class, I will not provide full
education on blood borne pathogens,STDs transmitted via bodily
fluid exchange or consumption, or the multiple ways to do the wide
variety of blood play.

Please make sure before you engage in fluid play, you educate
yourself and your play partner on the risks. Knowledge in Power , especially when life in concerned.

Take a first aid class, or multiples, to gain knowledge in how to prevent permanent harm.

 In this blog,I will discuss:

Different forms of vampire play
                                                                    How we can engage in the fantasy within our fetish scenes safely and consensually.
Fantasy vs Reality
Energy play
Biting Realistically
Small blood draws with needles or finger pricks
I consider needle play a different beast from vampire play. Needles and
scalpels can be used in this play but are not necessary. They create their own synergy in style and technique.


Blood drinking vampire Mistress

Your life fluid tastes so delicious!

Possible Forms of Vampire Play

Psychic or Pranic Vampire: Any person who enjoys actively and regularly absorbing and manipulating human kinetic energy in order to maintain their own emotional,sexual and spiritual well-being.

They can do this via touch or distance.This type of vampire is very popular within New Age and Pagan communities. I have a separate blog on this topic.

Sexual Vampire: Any person that feeds specifically on the energy generated from intimate relationships, heavy sexual release and orgasms.

Sanguine Vampire: Vampires who take blood from a partner and use it as a focus for gaining energy. The blood is the main component.

Vampire Play Safety Protocols

Within our scenes, the desire is usually for actual sanguine play. Blood play does not have to incorporate vampire play.
When one thinks of actual vampire blood play, biting is the activity one usually brings to mind.

It is the image we all see in the media. Cutting , scalpel play, and small blood draws are more associated with blood play.

However they are activities that can safely facilitate vampire play incorporating a blood component.

As this is an overview
class , I will cover each with beginners information. Truly each one is
its own in-depth instruction.

Be aware of not only the health risks to all involved parties but the
emotional and spiritual risks. The type of vampire play I engage in
differs from person to person. The more blood/energy involved, the
deeper and more permanent the connection.
CONSENT is paramount in blood play.

Prepping skin prior to opening it is essential for scene. This will
minimize the risk of bacteria or germs entering the area.
Likewise afterwards, make sure wound is cleaned and covered.
Prevent infection in start and finish. Use 70% or above alcohol to

Implements such as scalpels, needles and finger pricks must be
single use, sterile and disposed of properly. Do not use knives, razor
blades or vampire gloves. These items tend to be hard to sterilize to
the level needed.

Adrenal spikes can occur with blood play {we tend to fight or flight
when we see blood esp our own}. Make sure you are aware of blood
pressure, heart issues and other possible health conditions of your
donor that may be affected by blood play.

Learn your basic anatomy esp the circulatory system. You will
need to know what major arteries to stay away from. This will
also benefit you in other types of play.
Choose areas that have less major arteries such as breasts,
shoulder blades, buttocks. For a start, here is link to circulatory system.


Vampire Blood Play activities

 Biting {Odaxelagnia}

Biting is the classic vampire way! It is also known as Odaxelagnia.
The eroticism of Dracula slowly hypnotizing his victim, baring the vulnerable part of their neck
sensuously caressing the vein then savagely sinking his teeth
into their willing offering of flesh is an iconic image.  HOT!

Biting is its own fetish , done to degrees from gentle nibbles to hard
chomps. However, gnawing away at your partner’s neck or body –
even with sharp prosthetic fangs – will not gain you the result you desire. All it
will do is bruise them and your jaw. If the bite is your kink, by all means
administer the traditional sex blood love mark – a hickey. For those
who desire access and fantasy to neck biting, this is the way I suggest
you begin. It can be highly erotic and energetically connected. Plus
leaves lovely reminders of your scene.
Play the fantasy up as much as you like. I’ve done a whole role
play scene where I am Vampire Mistress and my client is my helpless
victim. Tying him down to my table, I then slowly strip his garments
away to expose his vulnerable flesh which I then draw blood to the
surface. You can imagine the rest.

Evil Queen Dominatrix Chicago Mistress

Your Evil Queen Dominatrix

Keep in mind, this seemingly innocent activity may still break skin and
you may ingest some blood. Also ingesting larger amounts of blood is
not good for the human digestive system. Even though rare meat has
some ,it is usually cooked to some degree. Raw blood from source
can upset your internal system.
If the blood ingestion is your desire, I suggest using a scalpel or
needles. Keep it to a small amount, less than pint. Think of the
medical blood draw we get when go to doctor. A vial that size.Practice safely and learn proper technique.
If the role-play is your desire, consider using fake blood for the
copious amounts. Again, do not ingest it.

 Cutting (Piquerism)

For all my cuttings also known as Piquerism , I use a sterile, single use scalpel. As it is a medical
implement, it must be disposed of as such.
My main warning with cutting into someone’s flesh is Do not cut too deep!
Last thing you desire is a hospital trip or accidental bleed.

Cuts can look light and not bled when first done so one’s tendency is to give
another cut. Don’t. Be patient. Take the time to wait for blood to rise to

Cuttings  can scar so this possibility should be discussed beforehand.

Make sure you have safety equipment close at hand to staunch
possible bleeds.

Cutting for marking Mistress's slave with mistress's initials

Cutting into my slave’s flesh for blood play

Blood draws/drains

Blood drains would be the most reminiscent of the traditional vampire drinking of blood. I would not suggest this for a casual session or one-time client.

I develop an intimate connection with all my “blood dolls” or donors. It is a willing offering -not a forced or taken one.

An activity I would consider at the higher end of risk. STD and infections are a big risk here. To engage in blood drains and draws safely, you will need to take a venipuncture class.

I will not go into details here on how to do so as its its own class. I prefer those pros interested in it go to a med professional class that includes certification. No more than a pint!

Think on when you go to get your blood drawn. Blood draws, also known as phlebotomy is how we obtain the blood draws/drains.

Needle pricks & punctures Small amounts usually from needles and pinpricks. A great way to begin with blood ingestion, drawing or smears.

If you have ever cut your finger, you know you can get what appears to be an incredible amount just from this small opening.

Many people start here with a small drop to taste. If blood art is your desire, the drips and cuts from scalpels and needles can allow you the ability to finger paint safely.

Always monitor your amount. Anytime your donor/partner feels woozy, dizzy, lightheaded or faint – immediately stop, stance the bleeding and administer first aid.

Blood draws is also used to draw a small amount used in ritual, connection and amulets. Blood bonding between partners can be a special passage, a commitment of one’s relationship.

Be aware anytime you puncture the skin with needle you could end up with
a blood blister especially on cock and balls. This may scare some clients
and compromise them. Do not drain a blood blister, it will subside on own.

If you would like to preserve the blood into an item to wear, there are ones
for sale on Etsy and other sites that will provide directions on how to make the blood inert yet fluid.

Practical Components Overview

1.  Choose the component that will best work with your intent and
goals. Vampire Play doesn’t have to involve actual blood. It can just be the dark fantasy you enjoy.

2.Blood play especially with energetic components does not
preclude logical thought. The key practical ingredient of most protection is an energy
shield. Guard your energy; it can be taken from you. (Subsequent blog)

3. Decide where you stand on your vampire fetishism. Is it the
fantasy, the aesthetic that get you off? The dark clothes, make-up?

4. Be aware anytime you puncture the skin with needle you could
end up with a blood blister especially on cock and balls. This may
scare some clients and compromise them. Do not drain a blood blister, it will drain on its own.

5. Hypnotism can be a competent of the fetish – playing off the vampire entrancing their prey with their penetrating gaze. Removing all will to resist.

This would be a good component skill to add to your vampire play if  you desire. Remember CONSENT is key!

 6. Combine sex with your blood play if your dynamic is sexual. One of my hottest nights
was fucking my partner while drawing blood runes on them
from the numerous small cuttings and needles I had done on them prior.

7.Menstrual blood- even more ritualistic and intimate. Also  lends itself to other types of play such as degradation, empowerment and humiliation.

I hope you enjoyed this blog on one of my favorite types of play. I would love to hear your thoughts or engage with you in session for this type of play. My email is here.

                                                    I love supporting other articles on topics I write upon that I find well-written. This one in particular I find informative. Lovense Vampire blog