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Saint Louis Domination session with Mistress Simone – by maribeth

by | Reviews

Saint Louis Domination session

Chicago Mistress and  sissy maribeth


As someone who’s never been to a professional mistress before I really didn’t know what to expect when I arrived to see Mistress Simone. All I was really sure about was that I liked to dress up in feminine clothes and be tied up, common enough interests for a lifelong cross dresser like myself, I’m sure.( Mistress note : Feminization is among my favorite activities. Assisting someone in exploring their gender fluidity, discovering new aspects of themselves brings joy them and Mistress. I can engage both on a spiritual level or a humiliation one, catering the scene intent to the submissive’s desire.)

Pink Sissification in Chicago dungeon with Chicago Mistress

Chicago Dominatrix w sissy maribeth

The sounds of Mistress Simone’s heels as she came down the steps to her waiting area were like little jolts to my nervous system and I know my eyes widened when she first walked into view. She looked even better than her pictures on the website ( Mistress hears this often. I am not a fan of having my picture taken, so I do appreciate when a submissive comments on my in person spirit.) My nerves that had begun jumping again during my short wait began to settle as we chatted to better acquaint ourselves with each other. I showed her the feminine clothes I brought to wear. Funnily enough, she loved the boots I brought almost as much I did when I first saw them. (Mistress loves shoes and boots! Her collection is extensive. Come see.) I felt any lingering nerves melt away.

Soon enough, Ms. Simone instructed me to remove my clothing. I could feel the blush as she complimented my breasts, something that I’d never thought about receiving. I guess having a little extra weight worked in my favor this time.( I find beauty in all bodies. Humanity is encased in our flesh, and it is up to us to move beyond the superficial into the esoteric of our souls.)  After I finished undressing, she placed a collar on me and led me into her dungeon for the first time.
There was so much to see and take in. I was in sensory overload. ( Mistress note: It takes courage to reach out, make contact and follow through. I commend all submissives that enter my realm.)  She allowed me a few moments to gather myself before placing a gorgeous auburn wig on me, putting my clitty in rope and helping me dress in my blue cowl-necked dress and boots.

After binding me to a spanking bench and blindfolding me, Mistress Simone spanked me with her hand, then a leather paddle and a wooden paddle, all the while teasing me and taking care to keep my physical and mental well-being into account. I made the mistake of using Mistress ( Mistress note : I prefer Ma’am. I find it fits my personality better. Also, it is what I use on my lifestyle as my community gave me the moniker.)  to address her after a spanking. I could tell the difference in hand spanks immediately causing a quick correction to her preferred term of Ma’am.

Chicago mistress in her bdsm studio, curvaceous dominatrix accepting sessions

Mistress Simone in her Chicago dungeon

At one point while bent over the spanking bench, Mistress Simone elicited a very girlish squeal/moan from me that tickled her to laughter and me to embarrassment. I don’t know why I felt so embarrassed about my obviously natural reaction. If I remember correctly this may have been around the time she inserted the plug in my pussy. ( It was! Overload of sensations lowers inhibitions.)  All that I am sure of is how delighted she was to get such a reaction from her girl.

Soon Mistress Simone wished to move me from the spanking bench to her bondage table, but when she got me untied and I followed her directions to move halfway up, I did get a tiny bit warm and lightheaded. Ma’am immediately recognized and helped me to sit for a few moments even giving me water and offering a sugar pill after removing the wig and her collar to assist my recovery. Her concern was evident and it was at this point, I knew I’d be returning, regardless of how the rest of the session went, even if it wasn’t conscious thought at the time.

Once I was sufficiently recovered, she helped me change from my blue dress and boots into a red baby doll nightie and secured me to her bondage table. She  cuffed my wrists and ankles to either side before bringing a couple straps over my mid-section. Then she placed five clothespins down below on my lady clitty, used a violet wand on my upper thigh for a short bit, then placed a vibrator up against the plug in my pussy, getting another high pitched moan/squeal that made her laugh yet again. (Mistress note: laughter is allowed in my dungeon. While I am a serious Mistress, and take our time together seriously, I also like to have fun. If we both enjoy our time together, it makes it much more memorable.)

Mistress Simone played with me for a while until it became clear that while I was trying to remain communicative with her it was becoming more difficult. I seemed to be completely relaxed and entering what she called sub-space. All I know is that I’ve never felt as mellow and completely de-stressed as I did at that time so if that’s what sub space is, then sign me up for it.

Again, like several times throughout the session, she assisted me with water and let me recover at my own pace before officially calling an end to our time in the dungeon. The two hours really seemed to fly right by and it was time for me to get dressed in my street clothes and get ready to depart. Before I did though, we discussed our time together and what I thought of it. I believe one phrase I used was “how many times can you say wow?” and that seemed to delight her to no end.

All in all, I can’t say enough nice words about Mistress Simone and how caring, professional and welcoming she was to me. I can’t wait for the next time to return to her dungeon and be her girl again, even if it’s only a few short hours.(Mistress note: Those few short hours make a huge difference on the way we view life. It can bolster one’s spirit for days, even week afterwards. Regular sessions enhance one’s well-being.)

Thank you so very much, ma’am, I know I won’t ever forget this!

Sissy maid in satin in Saint Louis dungeon

Sissy maid bound to serve


To learn more about my Saint Louis location, visit here

Ready to come immerse yourself in lace, lingerie and be my sissy? Then your next step is to fill out my application


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